Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy Friday after Christmas.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Random thoughts from an insomniac...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I don't even get paid for my ads....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Mike Rowe Played with my hair.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Caption Please:
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Where do I start?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Can you say Greedy__________....
- The auto worker's unions refusing to take a pay cut. HELLO!!!!! Are you big giant idiots. I hope that the government doesn't bail your companies out and then you won't have a job and hopefully you will starve to death, because you were completely set on screwing the rest of America because of your greed.
- I think the fact that we are planning to spend WAY too much money on inauguration parties when America is going broke is WRONG! Truman didn't go crazy in the depression, why should we do it now. Its common sense guys.
- Health care - don't get me started on health care. I can't afford the health care I have, which doesn't cover enough. And I don't think socialized medicine is the answer either because waiting 6 months for an MRI is just ridiculous. There has to be a happy medium. Maybe routine exams, vaccines and emergent care under one umbrella. While major medical is an additional something. Heck, I don't know the answer, but something has to be better than the current system
- Oh and one other complaint. WHY cancel quality shows on television for reality crap that sucks. ABC you cancelled my favorite show - Eli Stone. What's left Dancing with the Has-Beens. Even if I accidentally cross that show on the way to something else I throw up just a little in my mouth, and as "uplifting" as Extreme Home Makeover is I can't stand to watch it anymore. EVER. Give it a rest please, besides all the house keep getting foreclosed on.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I'm not bored, I'm just boring....
- My hair needs WAY more than just a deep condition. Its so dry I need to soak it overnight in oil.
- Its cold here - it didn't get above freezing until mid-afternoon. This is Texas. I've sunbathed on Christmas. Is not suppose to get this cold this early.
- My cats have worse sibling rivalry than my kids after being stuck inside due to the weather.
- My husband is still strange - this may never change, but I hope every day. His latest "song" is My Afro is so Large. See, I told you he was strange
- I really could use some chocolate right now.
- Laundry seems to multiply when I'm not looking and I spent way too much at Sam's Club today. Why? I'm really really mad at Target. So they can't have any of my money right now.
- Drama - its everywhere.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Does Democrat = Creative?
Dear Santa...
- Some new kitchen towels - mine are looking well worn.
- I really need a hair cut and color if you are so inclined.
- A new vacuum as I can only use the hose on the one I have now (and while its great for the baseboards it sucks when I get to the rugs).
- I'd love something that makes me look 10 lbs thinner.
- Adobe Photoshop with Lightroom for my Mac
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Rumblings, Bumblings
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Did you remember?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
If your an actor, you should be able to act
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, November 24, 2008
I spent the afternoon with my camera
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Doesn't this look like fun?

People blog for all kinds of different reasons. Some blog to get their thoughts out in a public diary; others blog to share their expertise with others; many more blog for a dozen other reasons.
Though there may be 100 reasons why people blog, I've yet to meet a blogger who doesn't appreciate comments. For this reason I'm starting Blog Comment Day on December 3, 2008. Here's how it works:
- On December 3, 2008 you will leave one comment on at least 5 different blogs.
- Out of the 5 blogs you comment on, at least 2 of them will be blogs you haven't commented on previously.
That's it. Simple, right?
Where to from here?
- I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know if you're participating by leaving a comment in this post.
- Feel free to save and use the banner in this post.
- Please consider promoting this on your blog. Feel free to copy anything I've written here to promote Blog Comment Day.
- Encourage others to leave a comment here if they are participating.
Thanks for helping to make the blogosphere a more conversational place!
Dear President Bush, President-Elect Obama, The US House of Representatives, The US Senate and all other elected officials:
I understand your need to help corporations. I do. There are a lot of people who work for these corporations that will lose their jobs if you don’t. But stop for a minute and think about this. For example. You bail out the automakers. Great, most of the people who work there will still have a job. The upper management will get their bonuses. They will continue to make products that are not environmentally sound. But will that solve the problem if the average consumer is suffering so much that they cannot purchase any automobiles? The places that the money was suppose to go when Congress voted on it is not where the money is actually going. My husband has lost about 30% of his retirement in his 401K. Yippee!! The idea of saving more my kids college is not even imaginable due to the money it is taking to just put groceries on the table. Hello - $3 bread is kind of ridiculous. I’m amazed at how anyone can afford meat anymore and remain healthy. Even hamburger meat that is 85% lean – which is 15% fat is still 3.99 a pound and if you want better say 90% you are looking at $5 or better.
PEOPLE need help, not corporations. Forgive debt, or maybe let us get loans from you (if we qualify and only if we qualify) for no interest loans to refinance our debt. We need to stabilize the economy by starting from the ground up not the top down.
Let me make a few suggestions. Just small ideas that might help start you brainstorm to create a better America. First, lets think about what we need.
1. We need to lower unemployment by creating more jobs.
2. We need to create a way to lower debt in this country.
3. We need our corporations to remove waste from their budgets.
4. We need better healthcare.
5. We need to improve the environment.
Ok, so how can we fix it.
1. We need to fix some of the infrastructure. If we fixed the railways, (create jobs) we could get trucks off the road (cleaner environment and less wear & tear on the roads) and lower transport costs (lower grocery/fuel etc). This is a win/win situation in my book.
2. Corporations need to stop bonuses and “special” spa trips to keep their upper management happy. There are enough people out of work that could replace the jerks who want perks to stay in their jobs. CEO’s need to get their bonuses from end-of-year profits and not guarantee them bonuses just because they had a title. Also, make corporations pay a penalty for sending their jobs overseas. Keep the jobs here.
3. Healthcare is a big bummer, because the insurance companies don’t play by the rules, you are the government you fix it. How about limiting the profit margin – or saying that a certain percentage of their profits must go to healthcare cost of those unable to qualify or pay for insurance.
4. Offer tax incentives for all green building. Including insulation or improvements on current houses and REQUIRE builders to make environmentally smart choices like solar panels, or insulation etc. to cut our energy bills.
5. Offer no interest loans to qualified Americans to cut their debt. I realize that this is how companies make their money, how about not allowing credit card companies to charge 20% interest. I mean if I looked hard I could probably find a mobster who would give me a better rate. Ok, that was a joke, but you know what I mean.
Use some common sense. Get out of the money grubbing pockets of these corporations. Yes, they contributed to your campaign, but remember who voted for you. Who is the bigger percentage. The insurance/automaker’s CEO’s or the American People.
While you are at it, how about some term limits, maybe make it a requirement for all Americans to serve the government in some way, shape or form in their lifetime. Whatever it is, get off your butts and do something that will help the people of this country and not pad the pockets of Corporate America.
Happy Anniversary to US!
I love you honey! Happy Anniversary!
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm cured! Maybe....someday.
How's this for a quote of the day?
Adults are dead children - Michael Brown
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Color me purple....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Seriously......Gene Simmons?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I am monumentally bored...
I’ve called my husband, who has absolutely no desire to talk on the phone. He’s not a phone talker, unless of course I am talking about sports, which even though I understand most sports – I could truly care less about stuff like La Cross or Soccer; I’m more of a Hockey, Basketball or Football kind of girl. I’ve been working weekends so long, that now that I’m not, I couldn’t tell you a football players name to save myself, unless they are/have been or might be dating some ridiculous celebrity that shows up on every trashy website on the planet. I can barely keep up with the TV shows I’ve recorded much less learn sports guys names, teams and stats. Now, the only exception is really hockey, because well there is a propensity for blood, it’s the kids’ favorite and well, its fast moving. I also have a texting/tweeting buddy during the game I get easily distracted and all the stops and starts in football tend to make me lose focus and our basketball team falls apart in the 4th period so why bother.
I totally want to change the direction of my life at the moment. I don’t really know how to approach this subject with the rest of my family. Parents, husband etc. I so want to be more creative. I’ve always had a very creative mind, but I’ve always been pushed to use my left brain, be a teacher….be an accountant. Job security, stability, etc. etc. I hate boring jobs like that. I like working Real Estate, because for the most part no two houses are alike and I work with a group of very diverse people with interesting personalities. So professionally I’m happy. Personally, I would like to find the time to write more, maybe dip the toes into writing some short stories. Have the time to research some options with my poetry. I’d love to take pictures all the time, but its hard to balance home, family and hobbies. Since I’m working more, I have less time to keep the house – of course part of the problem is years of pack-ratting stuff. I’m very much in purge mode, which I did in the kids room yesterday. I dumped a 30 gallon bag of trash and got almost all the stuffed animals out of the room. My kids would not allow me to get rid of them, but maybe I can get them to forget about them after a while and “POOF” they are gone. Ooooh, maybe a squirrel could get in the attic and tear them apart. SHHH! Don’t tell.
I’m hoping to work on cleaning out the attic and garage. Having a garage sale, getting some stuff on Craigslist or Ebay. I might even venture further, but need to talk to the hubby first.
I must go plan my organization of closets. Peace out.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Stuff & Things
- A full bank account
- A well-healed husband
- A flat iron for my hair (its very scary these days)
- kids that don't throw towels on the floor after their showers
- a maid - I seriously hate cleaning and I never seem to accomplish anything when I do.
- Some new shoes, and new wardrobe. Mine is seriously in need of some help
- Some, new camera lenses
- Turco to have a shut-out
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
No more politics! Ok, one more then I'm done.
That said, I'm going to be working on some poetry. A girl in my office has introduced me to poems that are questions. MMMM, I'm going to work on this and maybe, catch up on everything I missed over the last few weeks now that The Husband is on the mend.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Last Day
I don't have to listed to two friends arguing over which candidate is better. I don't have to pick up my kids and watch the left side of the sidewalk wearing Obama shirts and the other half wearing something for McCain.
In case you are wondering, yes, I voted. I'm also soooooooooo happy that after today, this crap will be all over, because I'm sick and tired of hearing about it.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
PeePaw update
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
WARNING, Surgical and gross stuff update.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Only I could pull this off
Monday, October 27, 2008
Does anyone know where this is?
In the dream my husband and I had bought this with another couple to redo. Why we chose a partnership I don't really know and my husband was really not a noticeable character in the dream. At first I said that we should take it to the studs and start over, then we walked in and I immediately new NO ONE was touching this house. It was completely furnished and overwhelmingly beautiful. The downstairs living room could fit my entire house in it right now. Huge cathedral ceiling, probably 4 alcoves of bookshelves along one wall creating private reading/studying areas. Embroidered chairs and beautiful wood tables. The only thing that needed to be changed was the lightly stained bookshelves and wood work needed to be stripped and stained dark. I don't remember much about the kitchen, but the bedrooms were amazing, the antique brass beds were covered in exquisitely detailed quilts. The furniture was amazing and I could quickly see how it needed to be arranged to fit each room as it was slightly cluttered. Amazingly enough there were no mold, mildew or old people smell anywhere in the house.
One wall of windows overlooked the sea and as we were standing in one long open room that had been used as a children's sleeping loft with beds everywhere I looked out and saw about 20 huge whales coming toward the island. The house shook. I know that would not happen, but this is a dream remember. It was earth shatteringly beautiful. We then were led out to the water to be shown the launch and unfortunately the alarm brought me out of a beautiful land and back to reality.
I want to go back and soon. I want to find that house and buy it. I want my dad to paint it.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Have fangs?
So I'm about to be made fun of
Friday, October 24, 2008
Work for today and the weekend
I am looking for “inspirational” stories to read at the opening of the next PTA Board. (Yes, I am now in the “in-crowd” of the PTA Board. I feel special and accepted and well, basically all my insecurities are gone.) Anyway, I’m reading all this uplifting, I mean gut wrenching stories that are tugging at strings in my heart and feeling completely over-emotional. If I stay in this mode I will probably start to cry when I pick the children up just because they once lived in my body and are a gift from God.
Then I will get home and see the reality of the mess they have created. I’m then going to become an evil and mean mother insisting those children that 20 minutes ago were a gift of God are in fact spawn of the Devil, because no angels would keep their room like that.
I have promised myself that if I do nothing else this weekend I will clean up all the paperwork stacking in various parts of the house up. Yes honey, I just put it in writing so that means I have to do it or risk having you either make fun of me for all of eternity.
I want to take the new camera lens out this weekend as well, but will only do it if I can get all the other things on my to do list done. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Feel his pain.....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Rhetorical Question of the week?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My opinion matters, right?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Meme -
I wish: and wish and wish
I hate: big red
I miss: seeing lots of comments on my blog
I fear: heights. Just thinking about it makes things quiver on me we don't need to discuss here.
I hear: noises in the dark
I wonder: why
I regret: more than you know
I am not: always where I want to be
I dance: better than Elaine on Seinfeld - but not by much.
I sing: like a wet cat in heat
I cry: every time I watch Terms of Endearment
I am not always: gracious
I make with my hands: food, that my kids eat and complain about way too much.
I write: a lot that will never be published
I confuse: myself
I need: less stress
I should: relax
I start: slow
I finish: this meme
I tag: you!
I'm not depressed - I swear
I really should be writing poetry today. Mindsets like this produce my best poetry. Oh, idea! See I just needed a creative outlet. Writing helps solve everything. I'm going to lock myself in my room later and create.
And I'm putting labels and stamps on envelopes at work today and I think I need some Goo Gone to get the sticky off my fingers.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I am obsessed with this song.
Holy Fuel Economy Batman
Blah, de blah, blah
I feel so blah today. The weather is dreary, my allergies are acting up, I feel fat. All good reasons for blah. Also I am running into a lot of people who weren't even in the house when they were handing out common sense. Jeez...I could just scream!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Hey politicians, Want my vote? Then fix this...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I'm's official.
I found a new blog today. And I love it
Its just not my day.
Your blog that who. Blogs always listen and they are not judgemental either.
I have a call into the Gyn. I'll try with all my might to maintain calm, but I don't think it will happen.
CLARIFICATION: I didn't mean my husband wouldn't speak with me about my hormonal problems, I meant that the last thing any man wants to do is have a 45 minute conversation with a woman about her hormones issues.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
One with a picture and a movie
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I'm too old????
Hormone Overload!
All this and I'm surprisingly upbeat
I'm also incredibly disappointed with people today. My husband and I have a friend that's having a tough time and you know what - I'm pissed off that anyone would act with such callousness and hate for another human being. What really pisses me off is that its a woman doing this to her ex. I mean, its over, move on with your life. Beating someone else in the ground will not better you. And just in case you haven't been made aware of this there is thing called Karma. It will get you, I promise and I've already put my name in for a front row seat and a bag of popcorn to watch your demise.
The little cat Cagey who is just getting over a giant wound from his last war with one of the neighbors cats, has come home with a new giant wound. Luckily it is in the shaved area already, so maybe I can avoid another trip to the vet. The antibiotic shot he got is still in effect, so maybe I'm saved another vet bill.
I did manage to watch Private Practice & Dirty Sexy Money last night. YEA! I kind of liked what they did with Private Practice making it a little more edgy with moral dilemmas. I'm kind of wondering what happened to the blond chick - the twin on DSM. I mean where did she go? Did we just lose a character or what? Not as excited with DSM as I was last year. It may get marked off my list if it doesn't improve soon.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Presents? For me......?
So I spent the rest of my William Sonoma Gift Card from my birthday last night. Got my first piece of All Clad. WHOO!! HOO!! An 11" French Skillet. I also purchased a salad spinner - that was really for the husband and he's in charge of salads. I know that is a strange comment, but he likes salads and he's always wanted one, so I made him happy and me happy.
That is a win-win situation if I've ever heard one. OH NO, did I just say something positive. The world must be ending.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Where did this come from?
I will say after staying up an hour in the middle of the night after that dream I did go back to sleep and I had a nice dream about John Mayer rubbing my feet. John, feel free to come back anytime and rub my feet again you were awesome!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I got tagged
- I am a night owl and not a morning person. I like to sleep in and stay up late. Just me.
- I like cats. I like to snuggle up to something that keeps me warm at night and that doesn't require me to get up at oh-dark-thirty to let them out to pee.
- I am LOUD. Yes, I said it. I'm loud my natural volume is probably 2 decibels over anyone else who is reading this.
- I am constantly cleaning out something, but I never seem to truly accomplish organization. (I blame this on the men I live with - all three of them.)
- I am the most loyal friend you will ever find - how boring! I wish I was the one you never forget because I always do something outrageous.
- I can never make the final decision as to where we are going out to eat. I never want to "choose" the restaurant someone else hates.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
An incredible man

Thursday, September 25, 2008
I've got the hiccups.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I can fix the ecomomy!
Now, there are people who say that you give someone a million bucks and they are going to spend it on other things instead of paying off their bills. OK, lets revise this. Everyone presents a detailed list of their bills, government pays off current bills up to $1 million dollars. Then we could solve the worlds problems for even less, because my bills don't equal a million dollars. Do yours?
Dijea for President. Or maybe Secretary of the Treasury.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Important Questions
Here's my dilema. I can either be a good guy or I can choose to be evil. Which do I choose?
I also get a free key chain with my game do I get Batman, Robin, The Joker or Catwoman. Help me decide.
Monday, September 22, 2008
I'm making a great impression.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Nurse Dijea to the rescue
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Look at Macy

Isn't she cute? This is Macy Jennifer - the baby that I got for my birthday. OK, the baby that was born on my birthday. Brandon & Lizzie did a good job of making her didn't they?
Its not allergies, its not the change in season or the change in schedule. I'm tired ALL THE TIME. ALL. For a couple of years I've been tired. I don't sleep well at night, I know that's part of the problem, but why am I so stinking tired? I give up! Is my life doomed to be in need of a nap?
FYI, I didn't have any energy yesterday, so that left leg is still hairy. But at least I'm wearing pants today.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
And the moral of this story is?
So this morning, I got out of bed with the back-up alarm and jumped in the shower. I washed and conditioned my hair, shaved my leg. Got out blew my hair dry, got dressed, made the kids lunches, got the kids dressed. Dropped them off, came to work. I am currently starving because I didn't get up in enough time to make myself a lunch. So I'm following a co-worker who brought their lunch, one because I'm hungry and it smelled good, but also because she's fun to talk to and it has been a little slow today. She asked me how I was I said cold, she said it isn't that cold, I said I shaved my legs this morning and look they are already grown out. I looked down and almost died of embarrassment. That is not a typo in the second sentence of this paragraph. I literally shaved my leg, my right leg to be exact and didn't shave my left leg. Now I know that several of you have written embarrassing stories about how you went to work in two different black shoes, or a black shoe and a brown shoe exactly alike. I am walking around my office in a skirt and high heels with one shaved leg and one hairy leg. Its not slightly stubbly either. I look like a German woman named Helga who has never been introduced to a razor.
I have turned about 14 different shades of red, was laughing so hard at my stupidity of not noticing sooner and am bawling when I walked into the staff offices. I couldn't even get the story out of my mouth because I couldn't compose myself. I know have to sit at my desk afraid to remove my legs from the cover of my desk and somehow manage to have the courage to pick up the children and hope the mom's standing around me don't notice my unpainted toenails and hairy left leg.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hello 40, Nice to meet you.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Current Obsessions
- Loved Fringe last night. I can tell this will be a long standing obsession & who knew Joshua Jackson was so cute. I am not of the Dawson's Creek generation so I didn't know, but now I do and I will watch and drool.
- Cath by Death Cab for Cutie
- Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon - I've been listening to both of these on Satelite Radio Kings of Leon for about a month and I'm just not getting sick of them.
- Quantum of Solace. I can't wait to see this. I rarely get to see movies in the theatre, but this one I won't miss. Daniel Craig is HOT!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
You decide...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
So, how do you find me?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
OMG - Violence and Crime in front of my eyes.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My husband is worried.
The Yard Retard & More Exciting Tales
The ever famous Yard-Retard won't plant normal grass in his yard, he has to plant grass that grows on a golf course so he can mess around with his clubs. Its doesn't matter that his yard is so small that he really can't do that, but you know golfers. Anyway he waters this yard 3 sometimes 4 times a day and all it looks like is an old man with plugs. Yes, its like one blade of grass per square inch. Why, because golf course grass (or at least the kind he plants) doesn't do that well in Texas. Its is HOT in Texas and it doesn't like the heat. It looks completely ridiculous. He's had landscaper after landscaper out to find out why his grass won't fill in only to be told he needs to plant Bermuda or St. Augustine which he steadfastly refuses.
Well anyway back to the story, I couldn't get in the car because Mr. Yard Retard can't fix his sprinkler system to not water my driveway and my car. So as I walk out in white pants to get in the car I had to wait for his sprinkler system to turn off before I could run off. My big purse was attacking everyone I got into close proximity to, I was too loud in my office and was told to keep it down. I am loud, I can't help it so whoops - I promise to do better. Charlotte informed me "I needed to put the coffee down". Oh, and then I get a really nice panic attack. Its not even noon. Hopefully, my day will not continue on this path. I feel like I'm living in a commercial for Murphy's Law or bad Karma.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I am a cube of ice.
AGH! I need a space heater!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Its Official.
Coach Barnes!
Monday, August 25, 2008
My day so far....
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Recipe For Dijea |
![]() 2 parts Pizzazz 1 part Instinct Splash of Laughter Finish off with a squeeze of lime juice |