Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Feel his pain.....

I have had an unbelievable last few days.  My husband has Spondylolysis he was scheduled for a Axial Lift which would have meant 1 week at home and 8 weeks no lifting.  So I shipped the kids off with some friends, who I basically owe so much that I probably have to babysit for the next 5 years every Saturday night, and set off for the hospital at way to early in the morning.  The doctor showed up 30 minutes late (I should have known at this time something was up.) and so we started late.  

The two hour procedure ended an hour early because after cutting a whole at my husband's tailbone (OW!) and trying three different times they could not find the correct angle to do the fusion.   So now we get to have nasty harsh back surgery with probably 4-8 weeks at home because they have to go thru the abdomen instead of a nice little cut on the back.  YIPPEE!!  He spent the whole drive home from the hospital saying four letter words and son of a bitch.  Then made it inside and passed out cold for a few hours.  

Oh and the best part I have to fight with the evil B*TCH from hell at his office about getting him on short term disability.  I'm not exaggerating about the evil you-know-what either.  My husband can't deal with her at all.  I hope I'm up for the task.  Right now I'm completely and totally exhausted, this is probably the most incredibly boring post with no smart-ass comments, so I am off to my cushy bed and hopefully oblivion for a few hours.


nicole antoinette said...

I'm so sorry you and your husband are going through this. Is there anything I can do?? Do you need cookies??

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Oh hon...I am so very sorry for you both! I hope it really works out better than what you think that it will.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Hope all goes well. I'll be thinking of you.

Unknown said...

holy crap....I feel like the suckiest mom blog friend ever. I am behind on reading your blog so I had no freakin idea that the hub was having surgery. I read something about surgery and him but for some reason, stupidity kicked in and I didnt connect that HE was having surgery. Shit.

If you need some help with getting him on Short Term Disability, let me know. I know this process well, very very very well. And I am happy to deal with Cruella DeVille on your/his behalf and just let you know what papers need to be completed and what the doctor needs to sign. Seriously, I'm happy to do this. I assure you she is no match. Ok? No match. I had to go thru this short term dis thing while suing a company so... really, happy to do it. Is he currently out on LOA/FMLA? Lets talk about doing that first then going for short-term disability. We have a couple of options here. :)

Call me at your convenience and we'll discuss. :) You have my #!

Dijea said...

I love all this sympathy, my husband needs some. I laugh at him and tell him he has a whole in his butt, or he's been anal probed, but in a good way.

Abby said...

I am so glad I am not your husband right now...Yikes!!! I think you can handle the evil b*tch at the office, you have been praticing your phone skills with at&t customer service. Good Luck I hope all goes well.