Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome, 2009

I hate resolutions - nobody ever keeps them.  I resolve no resolutions.  I am determined to lose the excess poundage I have not gotten rid of since the birth of my two sons.  I'm not exactly sure the best method, but I'm going to attempt first by starting to exercise.  Once I have that routine down, I will change my food intake.  Sound good?  I hope.  I've started a blog for my weight loss journal.  A place for me to be true to my task - keep up with my exercise, weight and keep a food log and maybe some good recipes I find.  I've made it private for now, but if you need a laugh or are on the same journey - I'll be happy to extend an invitation.

I also want to be happier.  I'm kind of a worry wart - kind of my a$$, I am the QUEEN of Worry!  True story.  So, hopefully that can get worked on too.  I want to be more calm, I want to be healthier and more accepting.  I'd like to work on my writing more and explore the spirituality that has been lacking over the past few years.  These are not things that can be changed overnight or by yourself, so I know that it will be a long process, but turning 40 last year awakened something in me that I just can't explain and I don't want to drift anymore, I want purpose.  So I shall find purpose and drive and determination by exploring the world around me until it all falls into place.  The husband loves me, wants me to be happy and is always willing to let me do or try so I'm finally going to take him up on it.

Wish me luck!  I also challenge you to explore something new in your life - whatever it may be and find a new peace, a new obsession or even a new plane of awareness.  


Better with a Bow said...

Have you read
a) The Purpose Driven Life
b) Eat, Pray, Love

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way: resolutions are mostly kaka. :-)

I not-resolve to do the same after my daughter is born. :-)

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I am trying to figure out just one word that I am going to work on all year long. That way, it is alway in front of me.

Good luck. I know that you can do it.

Abby said...

I know you can lose those pounds. I also have no resolutions other than to make it through another semester of nursing school. Good luck to you with your goals.

Smirking Cat said...

Is your weight loss blog public? I can send you a link to mine if you like. I don't link to it from my public blog.