Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I really need my computer back.

Imkindofgoingalittlenutsrightnow. MycomputerisintheshopandIhatethelaptopIhavetoworkon.
Itsuckssomethingterrible. AllofasuddenIenduponsomeweirdpageandIdon'tknowhowIgotthere.


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I love my lap top but I sure do hate typing on it.

And I make no sense even when my computer is not in the shop.

Here is to a speedy recovery!

phairhead said...

love the background and yr mission statement : )

Theresa said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have a small laptop, I do not like typing on it, especially when my nails get too long.

Smirking Cat said...

Sending get well wishes to your computer! I only have a laptop at home, so we swear a lot while we are typing.