I never did get my coffee, so you can imagine how unresponsive I've been today. I was incredibly embarrassed when my stomach growled in the doctors office like I haven't eaten in 10 days. I wanted to bury my head in the sand! UGH.
I got home - and discovered that the electrician did not restore power to my garage. Normally I wouldn't care, but I had, had being the operative word here, a deep freeze. A deep freeze full of very expensive beef, fish & chicken. Well, I guess I'm a little lighter on the protein for a while. No sense in filling it up if 1) I don't have power or 2) I don't have a kitchen. We had been grilling though. That's a big four letter word out of my mouth.
But the good news is they are making headway on the big renovation - feel free to check out the new pictures. Its quiet a transformation so far and I will have more shots to put up tomorrow as they are finishing the cabinets today. WOOT!!